Give an unforgettable gift

Here you can easily and quickly order a gift ticket, which will be delivered to your email. The ticket is usable for two years from the moment of purchase during park opening hours.

Seikkailuelämys yläköysiradoilla

Digital experience tickets

We offer experiences for the whole family, from toddlers to grandmothers and grandpas. You will receive tickets easily and quickly in your email. Lift your loved ones to the heights!


Giftcard with your exercise benefits?

Is your exercise benefit due? No worries! You can order an giftcard with the electronic exercise benefits of EPassi, Smartum and Edenred.


With EPassi you can buy the tickets directly from EPassi Marketplace.

Smartum/Edenred mobileapp

  1. Pay in the app
  2. Send the receit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  3. You will get your ticket in your gmail

Remember that you can only pamper yourself with the exercise benefit. The benefit is personal, and the ticket purchased with it cannot be gifted to someone else.