Opening hours

Opening hours today11-18
in September 1.−30.9.
Thu - Fri 15-20
Saturday 11-19
Sunday 11-18

How was it to be at the top?

"Get rid of your fears! Nicely integrated in nature."

"Had a company kick off day in August heat, was great relief to climb in tree shadows on different level tracks. 100's of meters long slide crowned the experience."

"If you're not interested in spending a day walking around in a nature park enjoying the Finnish national natural reserve (i.e. forests), you can get a little more physical and adventorous at Huippu."


Treetop Adventure Huippu has been granted Sustainable Travel Finland label and Green Key certificate as recognition of valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism. We are committed to reducing our water and energy consumption and to recycling of the waste produced by our operations.

Huippu on mukana STF-ohjelmass


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