Opening hours

Opening hours today11-18
in September 1.−30.9.
Thu - Fri 15-20
Saturday 11-19
Sunday 11-18

How was it to be at the top?

"Amazing experience! We had a great time!"

"The place is super safe, they give you a crash course in "how to" and off you go, with a harness, via-ferrata gear and a helmet. There is helpful staff all along the way so you and your little nuggets will be safe and sound."

"We all had a great time and I am definetely going again. 10/10 I would recommend this to everyone."


Treetop Adventure Huippu has been granted Sustainable Travel Finland label and Green Key certificate as recognition of valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism. We are committed to reducing our water and energy consumption and to recycling of the waste produced by our operations.

Huippu on mukana STF-ohjelmass


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